Timelessness and the Inferiority Complex of the Elite

The elite has a big problem, namely low self-esteem and therefore remains a low-frequency organisation! Facing this, the best thing you can do is work on your confidence and self-awareness. Notice nature provides a helping hand in raising one’s frequency. And you know higher frequencies travel without boundaries to wherever needed.

Guidance Can Make You Jump Through Hoops

Our ability to perceive reality has changed enormously in recent weeks. This earthbound reality will become as dark as it takes for the shift to take place, so allow yourself to integrate these new abilities. Thanks to the frogs! Ons vermogen om de werkelijkheid waar te nemen is de afgelopen weken enorm veranderd. Deze aardgebonden … Read more

Those Who Seek Power Are Poor

See if you can sense what is currently taking place on Earth. It might include aspects you are not allowed to be aware of. Keep an open mind and be amazed by the possibilities of expanding your perspective. Kijk of je kunt voelen wat er momenteel op aarde gebeurt. Er kunnen aspecten in zitten waarvan … Read more

Mirjam Wider Perspective 6 It Is Shadows in a Black Mirror

The outside world mirrors your deepest shadows. Find the courage to find the root of those shadows. Search beyond this existence into other realms. Look beyond what you know, recognise, acknowledge, and transform them. De buitenwereld spiegelt je diepste schaduwen. Vind de moed je om de wortel van die schaduwen te vinden. Zoek voorbij dit … Read more

Re-sign Our Human Rights

Re-signing our human rights or at least becoming aware of their significance and the need to safeguard them is essential to guaranteeing a humane life for those who come after us. Het opnieuw ondertekenen van onze mensenrechten, of in ieder geval bewust worden van hun betekenis en de noodzaak ze te beschermen, is essentieel om … Read more

In the Mind Safety is Limited

Exercising control can give a sense of security, but it stems from an old pattern of thinking. Center yourself in your heart and you may find unexpected ways to feel safe there. Controle uitoefenen kan een gevoel van veiligheid geven maar komt voort uit een oud denkpatroon. Centreer jezelf in je hart en mogelijk vind … Read more

Mastery or Control

Your awareness of being unique is essential. Whatever comes your way, you can master it, for that’s how you stay unique! Decide whether you want to be controlled by others or exercise mastery. Je besef dat je uniek bent, is essentieel. Wat er ook op je pad komt, je krijgt het onder de knie, want … Read more

The Battle and Eternity

Because time and space do not exist, every battle has already been fought. The absurd world we live in is a condensed moment of past and future. How about that! Omdat tijd en ruimte niet bestaan, is elke strijd al gestreden. De absurde wereld waarin we leven is een gecondenseerd moment van verleden en toekomst. … Read more