Frequencies Are a Genuinely Transformative Force

You are all frequency. Increase your frequency by choosing thoughts, relationships, work and environment that support you. Your frequency can affect others, even systems, in ways you never thought possible. Frequenties zijn een werkelijk transformerende kracht. Jij bent een en al frequentie. Verhoog je frequentie door te kiezen voor gedachten, relaties, werk en omgeving die … Read more

To Those Needing Encouragement

Urgent! What to do with your fears and the overwhelming emotions on your plate. Keep breathing and stay present! That’s the gist. Now it might be a good idea to connect with people you’ve never dared to approach before. People you envy or dislike. Be brave when you connect and know that you matter. And … Read more

Where Did This Battle Start

What is our origin as human beings. Who or what once took the initiative to create human beings. Have we actually always been intuitive, creative and conscious beings. Then, what does that implicate. Just a few questions to reflect upon. Wat is onze oorsprong als mens. Wie of wat nam ooit het initiatief om mensen … Read more

The Natural Shift In Your Body

The current extreme shifts in the electromagnetic field can profoundly affect us and our bodies often digest the changes better than our minds. Being sleepy or dizzy or wanting to be alone is perhaps the fastest way for the body to deal with these transformative forces. De huidige extreme verschuivingen in het elektromagnetische veld kunnen … Read more

Wel of Geen Koffertje Klaar Zetten

Wel of geen koffertje klaar zetten. Wie maar een beetje verder kijkt dan z’n neus lang is weet dat er dingen staan te gebeuren, waarvan het effect moeilijk te voorspellen is. Het is dus best zinnig om je af te vragen of je een koffertje met klaar moet hebben staan. Je kan mede bepalen hoe … Read more

Magician Bank

I found this old toy in a rustic cafe in the north of the Netherlands. Isn’t it funny how current the image is. Dit oude speeltje vond ik in een rustiek café in het noorden van Nederland. Is het niet grappig hoe actueel het beeld is.

Essential Prepping Inside and Out

In addition to filling the cellar with cans, prepping also means preparing yourself well so that you can deal with whatever comes your way. The current energies are forcing you to position yourself well in this world! Anchor yourself in your heart and keep an eye on the bigger picture of the world. Become aware … Read more

You And The Void

By working with your guides, your inner compass and your intuition, you can easily travel deeper into other dimensions, even into the void. It will give a different appearance to everything you experience in this life. This state of consciousness also offers you the opportunity to make choices and experience true freedom. Door met je … Read more

Turn The Tables and Overcome Anxiety

Be aware that most of your fears are rooted in the past. Now join the morphogenetic field of like-minded people and boldly turn the tables and reject those who reject or once rejected you. Wees je bewust van het feit dat de meeste van je angsten in het verleden geworteld zijn. Voel je deel van … Read more

Fear Not, Use Your Senses

How do you know who or what your guides are. See which senses you use the most. Your guides or your higher intuition will use those senses to signal you on available information from other realms. Heal yourself by working with your guides and trusting your gut feelings. Hoe weet je nou wie of wat … Read more