
The realization that there is more between heaven and earth also inspires Mirjam as a visual artist. Many of her artworks show the relationship between the heavenly and the earthly and her multimedia projects have themes such as inspiration, communication, unity and freedom. Themes that also take shape in her coaching. In the school projects and the Crafts Project, she shows in an original way her social commitment as a writer, storyteller and visual artist.

Fides et Ratio
This artwork states that without re-ligion, without re-connecting with the divine, there can not be an understanding of life. That is it. The energy that is expressed here is the understanding that the mind is of service to the heart, the real heart of the matter. The heart is connected to the source of life, which is divine.

The artwork is made of wood, pigment and gold leaf. It depicts the relationship between black and white as an endless cycle of contrast and unity. What you see first, black or white, depends on where you stand, inside or out.

You can buy first-quality photographs of Fides et Ratio and Cycles. If you’re interested, send me an email.

Touch down
A handmade silver feather gently touches the stone. Inspiration comes when we least expect it and in ways we can’t predict.

Ins Blaue hinein
Ins Blaue hinein is a multilayered project on communication.
The project consisted of meetings, exhibitions and publications, all provoking people to communicate about the hurdles that one needs to take to get into a space where real communication is possible.

The image of the twelve chairs, each with a blue mound on their seat, placed on top of a table, has many meanings. It’s about the human need to sit together, to bring stuff to the table. It’s about sharing and finding ways to dissolve the mounds.

Gold in your Mind, gold in your Feet
The bronze statue Gold in your Mind, gold in your Feet is located in Amsterdam’s Westerpark. The girl with golden hair and golden feet bridges thinking and doing. It’s the bridge between having golden thoughts and doing golden deeds.

Art Projects

Innocence link

Jewels link