Attack on Your Consciousness

What makes you human is your consciousness. Realise that you need to protect your energy and your connection to other dimensions from any destructive actions. Honour the crystal energies in you, in the Earth, in the Universe today. Wat je mens maakt, is je bewustzijn. Realiseer je dat je je energie en je verbinding met … Read more

Life & Death and the Trap

Do you wonder what happens after death. It could just be a shift to an unknown but familiar truth. The truth does not lie, does not need to defend itself and will reveal itself when you are ready. If you are true to yourself, you will ascend after death. Vraag je je af wat er … Read more

Let Your Light Shine on the Battlefields

Confusion can hit people hard when they realize what’s really going on. Aggression and depression are lurking just around the corner. You can contribute to a balanced situation by moving away from the feeling that you failed at some point in the past. Allow yourself to be in 3D and 5D at the same time … Read more

Chaos Evokes a Dazzling Challenge

Creative chaos forces you to consider new concepts. So does life. Learning to deal with chaos without identifying with it will eventually make you stronger. Creatieve chaos dwingt je om nieuwe concepten te overwegen. Zo ook het leven. Leren omgaan met chaos zonder je ermee te identificeren, zal je uiteindelijk sterker maken.

The Unexpected Meaning of Life

Can it be that in life, we are offered all kinds of experiences to be able to higher the frequency of the energy field we create together, to, in the end, bring this Universe closer to Source. Kan het zijn dat ons in het leven allerlei ervaringen worden aangeboden om de frequentie van het energieveld … Read more

The Long and Winding Road to Your Destiny

When a bend in the road blocks my view of my destiny, I trust that Source knows where the road leads. Not knowing the route is human. I realise that even those who assume they can plan events for others don’t know where they end up. Als een bocht in de weg mijn zicht op … Read more

Ego and the Soul

Occasionally your ego will unexpectedly pull you back to a lower frequency, to a 3D perception, and hold you there until you focus on what once hurt you. The ego then helps you identify and resolve the old issue. Don’t let your own ego hold you hostage! Af en toe trekt je ego je onverwachts … Read more

When Overwhelmed Do This

An overwhelming amount of information can throw you off balance. Shift from the left side of your brain to the right side by getting creative! Een overweldigende hoeveelheid informatie kan je uit balans brengen. Verschuif van de linkerkant van je hersenen naar de rechterkant door creatief te worden!

Natural and Artificial Numbers Define You

You are connected to numbers in a very natural way. There is also an artificial connection with numbers. For their convenience, others label you with these numbers. They barely relate to your natural presence and can affect your self-awareness. See how it feels when you emotionally disconnect from this artificial connection. Je bent op een … Read more

Agenda 2024

Portret Mirjam on a winding road

De gewoonte een agenda voor een jaar te maken heb ik losgelaten omdat het beter voelt het spontane meer ruimte te geven. Met plezier organiseer ik ook in 2024 rituelen en geef ik cursussen en workshops, maar ik zal pas kort van tevoren kunnen aangeven waar en wanneer ze plaatsvinden. Hoe dan ook, ik werk … Read more

09.30 uur tot 20.00 uur