Mistrust as a Challenge

Mistrusting the world forces you to determine your self-worth and then remain present. De wereld wantrouwen dwingt je om je eigenwaarde te bepalen en aanwezig te blijven.

Ascension and Physical Imbalances

Sometimes, physical imbalances could be a sign of an underlying psychological issue, even a lifelong hidden truth. Do you feel deserving to receive love and affection? It may be helpful to explore your beliefs and update any outdated ideas. Fysieke problemen kunnen duiden op een psychologisch probleem, zelfs op een levenslange verborgen waarheid. Heb jij … Read more

The Dark Side of a Ritual and the Light Side

By focusing on a common goal during a ritual, you create an atmosphere in which, for instance, abuse is allowed. Conversely, positive intentions can be strengthened and supported. So choose your focus wisely! Remember, loving everything will frighten those on the dark side! Door tijdens een ritueel een gemeenschappelijk doel centraal te stellen, creëer je … Read more

No Panic When Facing the Dark

Do not panic! Keep breathing. Allow every breath to fill you with light, and trust you are being guided. And keep thinking because it’s still legal! Geen paniek! Blijf ademen. Laat elke ademhaling je vullen met licht en vertrouw erop dat je geleid wordt. En blijf nadenken want het is nog steeds legaal!

Liberation Through Awareness of Freedom

Freedom is the right to choose whatever resonates with you. Freedom is a birthright, like dying the way you want to, for that matter. Awareness of how you experience freedom makes it easier to value and defend it. Also, look at where you inhibit others from experiencing their freedom and strive for a fair balance. … Read more

Other Realms Other Realities

Expanding your perspective, honing your intuition, and acknowledging the existence of other beings in different realms and dimensions, such as extraterrestrials and entities, can improve your comprehension of the current complex situations. Door je perspectief te verbreden, je intuïtie aan te scherpen en het bestaan van wezens in andere rijken en dimensies te erkennen, zoals … Read more

Karma Forced to Pile Up

We started losing our human identity a long time ago and are losing ways of defining ourselves as humans at warp speed. It will create more karma, assuming karma exists. Becoming aware of this burden on future humanity might motivate you to take action now. We begonnen onze menselijke identiteit lang geleden te verliezen en … Read more