The Deeper Meaning of The Dark Days

These days of darkness, solitude and inner silence offer you a chance to examine where you have censored yourself and to find your true spirit again. Consciously take that sensation into your everyday life and experience your life as an adventure of the divine. Deze dagen van duisternis, alleen zijn en innerlijke stilte bieden je … Lees meer

Here And Now In A Pleat In Time

You are the majority and, therefore, powerful. Expect the unexpected and explore your ability to connect in every dimension imaginable. Je bent de meerderheid en dus machtig. Verwacht het onverwachte en ontdek je vermogen om verbinding te maken in elke denkbare dimensie.

The Pain And Joy Of Waking Up

You’re not afraid to look at the bigger picture and you still support others who make choices that you don’t resonate with. You intuitively know how to cut cords and discern what belongs to you, your journey, your story, the pain, the tears, the joy and the laughter. Je bent niet bang om naar het … Lees meer

You Are The Majority

You are the majority and, therefore, powerful. Expect the unexpected and explore your ability to connect with others in every dimension imaginable. Je bent de meerderheid en dus machtig. Verwacht het onverwachte en ontdek je vermogen om verbinding te maken met anderen in elke denkbare dimensie.

The Multi Layered Universes

Discerning is a great way for you to express your free will. All Universes are watching to see what you do with this gift. Use your free will to your benefit. Be specific in your wishes. Now is a good time to do so. Onderscheidend zijn is een geweldige manier om je vrije wil tot … Lees meer

Shadows Darkening Urging Discernment

Our inner light is gaining strength. The effect is that the shadow energies in people and organisations also gather strength and force themselves upon us. Be aware, recognise negative energies and learn to discern what serves you and your highest purpose. Ons innerlijk licht wint aan kracht. Het effect is dat ook de schaduwenergieën in … Lees meer

What Is Life Worth

Since we are in a time of chopping wood, this question pops up. What is life worth. What is the value of life, your life. Do you realise the essence of your existence. See if you can answer that question.

Wake Up in the Dark

I recorded this some time ago, but the message is even more to the point now. Can it get too dark? How can you prepare for what is coming. Kan het te donker worden? Hoe kun je je voorbereiden op wat komen gaat.

Shooting Stars In The Dark

When is it done? Can we finally move on in freedom? This world has become so layered that focussing is essential to be able to keep going. See if you can connect the dots in these different layers. Wanneer is het klaar? Kunnen we eindelijk verder in vrijheid? Deze wereld is zo gelaagd geworden dat … Lees meer