An Expanded Reality

Reality may expand as a result of your inner transformation. Like a rubber band, allowing reality to stretch and thicken again is a great way to get used to a more flexible body, adjusting its frequency as needed to other realms. De werkelijkheid kan zich stretchen als gevolg van je innerlijke transformatie. Dit als een … Lees meer

Bezieling 2024 Wassenaar

I'le d'Aix

Wat bezielt je? Je bent een bezield mens, uniek, maar ook gelijk aan alle andere mensen. Zou deze paradox soms de parachute kunnen zijn waarmee je veilig kunt landen in de wereld van nu. Over de kracht van deze paradox en de vele vormen van bezieling gaat deze dag. Bezieling. Het is een mooi woord, … Lees meer

Datum nader te bepalen.
Huize de Bloemert, Wassenaar.
Van 10.30 uur tot 16.00 uur.
De vergoeding 115 euro, inclusief btw, en een hand-out.
Er is soep voor de lunch, en de hele dag water, thee en koffie.
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The Value of Love

Sometimes people you care about are unable to receive your love and attention. That can be painful. The rejection can bring up old traumas in you. Keep your love to yourself until you can share it with those who can receive. Sharing deepens love. Soms zijn mensen om wie je geeft niet in staat om … Lees meer

How to prepare for what is coming

Play it by ear. A very appropriate expression for the current situation! Trust your intuition. Waiting for what is to come prevents you from being present in the now and sensing what is to come. Play it by ear. Een zeer geschikte uitdrukking voor de huidige situatie! Vertrouw op je intuïtie. Wachten op wat komen … Lees meer

The Challenge Not To Choose Yet

It may be that it makes sense to choose only when your whole body says ‘Now’. ‘Do it now.’ So wait. Kan het zijn dat het zinnig is om pas te kiezen als je hele lichaam zegt ‘Nu’. ‘Doe het nu.’ Dus wacht.

This is Transformation

Often I’m asked how beings from the other worlds help us through the transformation process. One of the ways they help you is by placing synchronicities in your path. Another, more significant way they help you is by raising the frequency of your Lightbody, thereby enabling the Light to carry you through this earthly existence. … Lees meer

Are We Hitting Rock Bottom

Game changers are becoming vaguely visible as information penetrates the news net. Get to know yourself well enough to discern the effect of sometimes shocking messages and circumstances on your physical, emotional or energetic body or even your karmic body. The transformation is accelerating. Everything we once thought served us will change roles. You now … Lees meer

Endure and Enjoy Life

A fast blast this is, and a reminder. I can’t get around it, too much is happening right now! That is the ego speaking. The ego can become anxious. But you are more than your ego. The ego is at the service of you, of your presence here on earth. Breathe into your heart, into … Lees meer

Grieving is Essential in the Process of Transformation

… and then, without feeling it coming, a wave of sadness washes over you… We lose family members, friends, jobs, health, and a familiar environment. It is a natural phenomenon but might gently push us into a state of deep sadness. It’s important to grieve about your losses and respect the void they leave behind. … Lees meer

The Fight and Your Transformation

Much of the battle is happening in the news right now. Don’t give in to fear and accept that the mind isn’t qualified to understand what the fight aims at. This conflict has been planned for centuries and is about much more than Russia thinking it needs to deal with the situation in Ukraine. The … Lees meer