A New Sense of Community

Your sense of community may have deteriorated in recent years, but new ways of experiencing togetherness could inspire you to feel a renewed sense of belonging. Uw gemeenschapsgevoel is de afgelopen jaren misschien verslechterd, maar nieuwe manieren om saamhorigheid te ervaren kunnen u inspireren tot een hernieuwd gevoel van verbondenheid.

No Going Back to the Old but Further

Now it’s about becoming aware of the meaning of our free will! We shouldn’t want to return to what it was, because that’s what got us where we are now. Our free will opens doors. Go further and inspire others! Het gaat nu om bewust worden van de betekenis van onze vrije wil! We moeten … Lees meer

Do the Opposite and Build the New World

We have enough building materials within ourselves, like creativity, empathy, intuition and vision, to build a fearless society. One that strives for harmony and peace without neglecting the unique individual rights of humans. You might start building and get the hang of it before, due to new rules, we run out of inner or tangible … Lees meer

In Which Reality Does Humanity Live

Our reality is a concept, just like our history. This realization can help you gain perspective on worldly events. Additionally, the knowledge that we live with many invisible realities, often unconsciously, can inspire you to create the new world you envision. Open the door and explore! Onze realiteit is een concept, net als onze geschiedenis. … Lees meer

Losing Your Voice

Prepare for a completely different experience on a spiritual, psychological and physical level, because the body as a receiver of universal information is changing! Losing my voice means that I have missed the imbalance in a reality other than physical. I researched it and found a way to enjoy the silence! Yes, there is a … Lees meer

About Water in a Noisy World

Drink more water to stimulate the flow within yourself. It helps to be more creative! Also, let me know what topics you’ve found most intriguing in the 275 videos I’ve produced so far. Thanks! Drink meer water om de flow in jezelf te stimuleren. Het helpt creatiever zijn! Laat me ook weten welke onderwerpen je … Lees meer

Competition or Inspiration

Jezelf vergelijken met anderen betekent dat je weg stapt van het zien van jezelf. Is vergelijken eigenlijk wel mogelijk. Laat je in plaats daarvan inspireren door anderen! Worden politici gevangen door de noodzaak om oneindig met anderen te concurreren en dwalen ze daarom af van het nadenken over menselijke behoeften? Comparing yourself to others means … Lees meer

Depression or Just High Water

High water can scare you for practical reasons. It also beautifully symbolizes our fear of being overwhelmed by emotions caused by shortages and restrictions. Remember that fear is always connected to the ego, unless it is your instinct that says: Run! Your soul knows no fear. When you start to feel depressed, step away from … Lees meer

Dealing With Death

People are dying. They move to another reality because their time has come. Their homework is done! Every departure, especially of someone close to you, invites you to think about life and your relationship to mourning and sadness. My advice is to find your personal way of grieving and practice it. It will help you … Lees meer