The Long and Winding Road to Your Destiny

When a bend in the road blocks my view of my destiny, I trust that Source knows where the road leads. Not knowing the route is human. I realise that even those who assume they can plan events for others don’t know where they end up. Als een bocht in de weg mijn zicht op … Lees meer

Ego and the Soul

Occasionally your ego will unexpectedly pull you back to a lower frequency, to a 3D perception, and hold you there until you focus on what once hurt you. The ego then helps you identify and resolve the old issue. Don’t let your own ego hold you hostage! Af en toe trekt je ego je onverwachts … Lees meer

When Overwhelmed Do This

An overwhelming amount of information can throw you off balance. Shift from the left side of your brain to the right side by getting creative! Een overweldigende hoeveelheid informatie kan je uit balans brengen. Verschuif van de linkerkant van je hersenen naar de rechterkant door creatief te worden!

Natural and Artificial Numbers Define You

You are connected to numbers in a very natural way. There is also an artificial connection with numbers. For their convenience, others label you with these numbers. They barely relate to your natural presence and can affect your self-awareness. See how it feels when you emotionally disconnect from this artificial connection. Je bent op een … Lees meer

Consciously Ordinary is Gold

If you feel inadequate, change the thinking that you are just a small player. Being consciously ordinary anchors you in this 3D world with your head in 5D. Your consciousness is the best channel to download the new frequencies. It will affect others too! Als je je onbekwaam voelt, verander dan de gedachte dat je … Lees meer

To Share or Not to Share That Is the Question

Share your insights and knowledge with those who can hear you or begin to listen hesitantly. When the floodgates open in the minds of those who are oblivious to the bigger picture, their challenge is to become aware and, eventually, celebrate it with you. Deel uw inzichten en kennis met degenen die u kunnen horen … Lees meer

A New Look at the Bigger Picture

Trust that there is a bigger picture! To understand the necessity of the chain of events in past centuries requires research and a free mind. It is the structures we have unconsciously accepted that keep us in a loop. It is a job to perceive the coherence, but insight opens the door to a new … Lees meer

Intruders and the Light of Spring

A new spring is coming, a field filled with light. Let the light penetrate every cell of your body. When this light vibrates in response to your intention, it becomes love. Become aware of intrusions into your personal space, now and in the past. Your experiences, part of the morphogenetic field of pain and loss … Lees meer

Forgiveness as a Way Out of Feeling Trapped

See if you can take a break from hating what’s going on around you. Allow yourself to become still, without stories. Just be present. Stop fighting the past and see if you can forgive yourself for being a part of that past! The experience can be enlightening. Kijk of je even geen hekel kunt hebben … Lees meer

Be Consciously Grateful and Move on

In nature it is as if everything is holding its breath. It feels like we are about to jump into a new reality! Prepare for the leap by expressing your gratitude to everyone who has influenced you in the past. Whether it was hard to digest or pleasant, say thank you. And move on. In … Lees meer